Getting the Price Right
Over 90% of buyers start by searching online at Zillow or Trulia for their home's ZESTIMATE of value, however, when it comes down to a buyer applying for a mortgage to purchase your home, the banks appraiser will likely use the accurate market data from the multiple listing service and the appraiser will visit the property and make adjustments to his appraised price based on what he sees compared to the comparable sold properties. There shouldnt be many if any adjustments if priced right
This is why having a realtor preview your home, research market data, make adjustments and come back with an accurate range price range for you to choose from is so very important. It removes the likelihood of a price reduction when the buyers lender's appraisal comes back.
What day and time is good for your home's preview ?
Simply to gather information needed to set the best price range from the start?
Text or call today 484-336-6551
Real Broker, LLC
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